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     This is the story of a family, a history, and a heritage of excellence. Tatyana Zavadska began making dresses for her daughter, who would later become the Canadian Professional Champion in 3 styles, Yuliya Zavadska. This was the continuation of a craft started by Tatyana's mother Antonina, who was a professional dressmaker/tailor from the age of 19 until her eventual retirement. That is where years of real world experience were fused with ballroom couture, as Yuliya began moving up through the DanceSport ranks, eventually becoming a top professional in numerous countries and styles. Competition after competition, the unique and progressive styles of Yuliya's dresses began garnering attention internationally, which in time developed into a rise in demand for their creations as well as gentleman's attire. After an immigration to Canada in 2010, "Muse" Designs was born. Muse has a personal approach to each dancer, with the ability to maximize the beauty of their silhouette and movement. Similarly, they have a unique ability to create a modern, intelligent, and stunning image for the couple as a whole. Muse designs competition attire for ladies, gentlemen, and children: Latin, Ballroom, American rhythm and Smooth, as well as Showdance. They have also increased their creative productions of evening gowns and practice wear. Using only the worlds finest British and Italian fabrics, it is with immense passion and pleasure, that Muse looks forward to creating your most fabulous look yet!
     Sincerely, Yuliya and Tatyana Zavadska​
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